2011–When we last chatted, we had just plunked down the $1000 deposit for the design guy and he set about taking our rough drawings and ideas about what it should look like and began to design a working product. We sent him near empty lipgloss tubes so he could understand the problem close up, see the common length of tubes and begin to craft a tool that would work universally. We left him to his own devices to complete those tasks, while we set about some other things. At this point, we still only had a provisional patent so we couldn’t do much in the way of distribution channels and the like. Shoot, we didn’t even have a solid design so it was not yet time to talk seriously about who would sell it. Sure we had plans, “We’ll get on HSN, QVC, be in Sephora, Ulta, etc.” but we couldn’t approach anyone in those areas yet. During this time, however, I did approach someone who would prove very valuable to our business. I had seen some logo and branding work that a young woman named Julie had done for a business colleague. Her eye was great so I decided to contact my business colleague and ask for her contact information. Julie was/is both creative and smart in the ways of marketing (She had recently graduated with a degree in Marketing from a great school). She and I met, signed the obligatory non-disclosure form and got to work. I discussed what I’d like her to do, initially it was simply to design a logo, but you’ll soon see just how much she ultimately did and thankfully is still doing for Nikki’s Magic Wand. I’ll stop here because I want to share some present day stuff with ya. Oh, wait, I do want you to see the awesome logo she designed…
Here’s what’s so cool about our creative Julie, she designed it so that it looks like an “N” (Nikki’s) but when you place the logo at the spot where the cap meets the Wand and pull apart to use, the top of the “N” looks like an “M”(Magic) and the bottom looks like a “W”(Wand). I was happy dancing for days when she first showed it to me. 🙂
11/21/2012— Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and even though I spend time every day writing down things that I’m thankful for (everything from Peanut Chews to my children’s health :)) I wanted to take a moment to make a note of things that have been going on for which I am eternally grateful. As you know, we’re getting closer and closer to THE BIG LAUNCH and it’s time for focused work and checking off tasks. I have sent out the Evite (following up the Facebook invite) so I can get an accurate count for food, drinks and other goodies we’re providing. So, during this time of work and preparation, I want to remind myself….
I am thankful for:
1. Excited friends and family who keep telling me how proud they are of me. Amazing feeling.
2. Friends willing to travel for the event, right before Christmas, to be by my side during one of the biggest days of my life. Mindblowing.
3. Having a beautiful venue in which to have the event. Happy.
4. My 15 year old daughter telling me that she brags about the venture all the time. Sweet Child.
5. Trying my best to make the most of my life…my mother’s journey was cut short at 33 and I feel like it’s my duty to chase down this dream for me and for her. Want to make her proud.
6. Having a business partner with whom I can laugh, talk serious business and who can talk me off of most mountains. My Stress Buster.
7. The Philadelphia High School for Girls (233 and beyond), Bookclub, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., Miyoshi Anderson, Darcel Madkins, Bennie Nunnally, The Institute for Entrepreneurial Excellence and the list goes on and on and on. Good connections are vital.
This 9 to 5 chick/Business owner has been running ragged and I am so thankful for a few days “off” (although business owners are never off, I’m finding out) to relax and re-group.
Please enjoy your holiday, if you celebrate and thanks for reading.