I’m stressed. Not just a little stressed either, like a whole bunch. There’s a LOT going on and it involves all aspects of my life.
My first born has to complete about 100 tasks before starting college near the end of August and quite frankly, we are behind on about 75 of them. We are also preparing to move her into her first apartment this weekend and we ALL know what fun organizing a move can be. Let’s not forget the new I-pad the school said she HAS to have, along with a new laptop and let’s not forget that tuition bill either.
My 9 to 5 is ramping up, including having just done mid-year performance reviews, which quite honestly, could have gone better. The federal government is breathing down my neck, as are some of my co-workers.
I’m working on spreading the word about my new book, while boosting sales of Wands and Gloss, while also attempting to organize my records and documents.
Oh, I need to get my son his annual exam, sign him up again for flag football, pretty soon start to do reserach for his 10th birthday party, go for my mammogram and figure out why the dr’s office is just now charging me $200 for an exam I had in January.
My house looks like a Febreze commercial and the dog smells like one big Cheeto. The laundry is piled to the ceiling and there are dishes in the sink.
I am doing my level best to stay calm, cool, collected but it’s hard. My mind wanders all day and lands on all kinds of lunacy. What if I packed up one of those bandanas on a stick and just walked down my street like a hobo, off to see the world, with my strip-less debit card and my license?
I’m not usually a complainer. I handle times like this with an SVU marathon and a locked bedroom door but I want to share in case you feel the same. In case you feel that every single way you turn, someone is asking you for something, or to do something. Yes, some things are a joy to do, like hug your babies and grow your business, but some things are just a pain in the ass. I feel your pain. I know what it’s like when there’s too much on that to-do list.
I need a personal assistant…and a steak with a little pink…and a pear martini….and a #$%$% break.
As always, thanks for reading. You’re my fave. 🙂
Thanks for your transperancy!