Gonna start this one a little differently and begin with some present day stuff in the beginning then flash back on ya near the end of this post. It’s been a busy couple of days and I’ve missed ya’ll.
As I mentioned when we last chatted, I had to postpone the launch of the new product because we are still tweaking some aesthetic things and I can’t let the world see it until it is JUST right.
Two days ago, I was pretty stressed. Busy at the 9 to 5 (yep, still on the J-O-B for now) and feeling a tad tense about yet another delay with the launch. Decided to breathe deep and hope for a better day.
Well, by the end of the next day, I was happy dancing and smiling from ear to ear. After a long day, I came home to a package on the front steps. I was expecting its contents (or so I thought). There were more samples of the cosmetic tool I’ve invented but there were also boxes, in which to place these tools when we’re ready to sell them. The boxes were…magical. JUST the right size, weight, font, text spacing…truly beautiful. I never knew I could get so excited about a box, nor that I had been taking the delicate art of box design for granted up to this point. I’m telling you, I look at things in a whole different light these days. I now know just how much goes into communicating your vision and having the supplier “get it.” I showed the box to one of my dearest friends and she cried. Yes, actual tears. I told you, this box is serious business. 🙂
Anyhoo, I started texting the best friend and the box designer, snapping pics and singing the box’s praises. Trust me, it was a big hurdle cleared and I’m thankful. Chatted more with the supplier today and expressed my pleasure and she told me that the box is actually being tweaked to look EVEN BETTER than the one I did a jig for. Be still my heart.
Flashback Time:
2010– So, at last check, we’d found a Patent Attorney, among my Facebook Friends List. 🙂 Had a few phone meetings, told her the deal and she started the paperwork. Oh, I forgot to mention that before the best friend and I took one step forward, we planned how the company would be divided and put that in writing. Trust me, it’s always best to get that kind of stuff written down. The best friend and I have hearted each other since 1993 but business can make folks act outside of themselves and we just can’t have that. So, write out the terms and plans. I promise, it’s best and you’ll thank me when you avoid being on The People’s Court looking like as ass, fighting over who was supposed to buy the printer.
Ok so while the Patent Attorney was busy pulling papers together we were thinking of ALL the ways we could cover ourselves with the patent. She advised us to think like a competitor and think of EVERY single way the product could be made and put that in the patent application. I am so thankful she had us do that.
While this was happening, we couldn’t really talk about it. We crafted a non-disclosure form but were very wary of discussing it for fear that someone would swipe it. Plus, ok, I’ll be honest…during this time I had just taken over as Manager of my group and that consumed me. I wanted to do the best job ever so my “baby” sat for a bit while I was trying to get acclimated to my new role.
I think I’ll end the flashback here. I have so much to tell you about this process, so many tips to share but I want you to keep reading so I have to play coy. 🙂
10/25/12-10:44pm–So, we’re on track for a December 2012 launch. I’m starting to get the guest list together and planning what the invites will say. You should come…even if it’s just to see the box. 🙂