Calgon….you know the rest….

Have you ever felt like you had something to get off of your chest but you didn’t really know what it was? It’s that nagging feeling that something is weighing you down and trying to creep up and steal your joy but you can’t quite name it. I have a...

No Risk, No Reward…

This week I got some big news. Really the biggest news I’ve ever gotten related to my business. I was informed that a host on QVC had requested my product by name! Say What??? In addition to that, they want 7515 3-packs. I had to bust out the calculator and...


Wow, it’s been awhile since I’ve shared with ya. Truth is, if I don’t have something pressing to share, I typically don’t, although all of the people “in the know” tell you that you need to blog on a regular basis when you have a...

Someone throw me a life preserver…

Do you know those people who have their e-mails in perfectly created folders? You ask them about an e-mail from 2012 and they can put their hands right on it. Everything is filed expertly and organized and may even be labeled. Yeah, that’s not me. I have...

Fear (a deeply personal post)

I’ve spent my entire life worried and afraid. I was afraid to disappoint and/or embarrass my granny and father with bad grades and poor life decisions.  I was afraid to tell my granny I wanted to move across the state to Pittsburgh at 17 years old.  I...