by thinkcreatebuild | Dec 24, 2012 | Blog, Uncategorized
It’s been about 26 hours since the Nikki’s Magic Wand Official Launch Party and I find myself continuing to float on a cloud of “Oh my goodness I can’t believe it went so well, everyone had a great time and we got Nikki’s Magic Wand out...
by thinkcreatebuild | Dec 17, 2012 | Blog, Uncategorized
Hi!!!! Can you feel the enthusiasm in that “Hi!!!!”? I’ve been wanting to do a new post to fill you in on everything and thankfully I finally have a break in the all of the chaos so here I am. There are loads of things going on that I want to...
by thinkcreatebuild | Dec 11, 2012 | Blog, Uncategorized
Oh. My. Goodness. 11 days until the BIG Launch! I cannot believe it’s already here, yet it feels like it’s been a long time coming. I know how I feel on the surface: excited, overwhelmed, nervous, busy as hell. But deep down? Wow, there’s just so...
by thinkcreatebuild | Nov 30, 2012 | Blog, Uncategorized
Hi. If you’re someone who celebrates “Turkey Day” I hope you had a lovely time. I sure did. I want to tell you what’s been happening with me, well really more specifically, with Nikki’s Magic Wand. It’s been a busy, busy time!...
by thinkcreatebuild | Nov 21, 2012 | Blog, Uncategorized
2011–When we last chatted, we had just plunked down the $1000 deposit for the design guy and he set about taking our rough drawings and ideas about what it should look like and began to design a working product. We sent him near empty lipgloss tubes so he could...