Designing Women…and Men

Designing Women…and Men

2012–When last we met and flashbacked I was telling you that we had our first ever prototype in our eager little hands and had surveyed various people to see what they thought. Thankfully, they all thought it was a great idea and that it worked well. So, it...

Learning, learning, always learning…

Going to jump right in with today’s little life lesson, epiphany, whatever you’d like to call it. I have mentioned, in past posts, how this process of inventing something and getting it to market was brand new to me and the best friend. I mean we had...

Closed Mouths Don’t Get Fed…

As you found out in the last post, I was flying high just after the Launch. It really was one of the very best nights of my life. Since that time, I have been on a holiday break with the family and had some time to regroup. I basked in the afterglow of the...
Houston, we have TAKE OFF!

Houston, we have TAKE OFF!

It’s been about 26 hours since the Nikki’s Magic Wand Official Launch Party and I find myself continuing to float on a cloud of “Oh my goodness I can’t believe it went so well, everyone had a great time and we got Nikki’s Magic Wand out...

Checking Out…

Hi!!!! Can you feel the enthusiasm in that “Hi!!!!”?  I’ve been wanting to do a new post to fill you in on everything and thankfully I finally have a break in the all of the chaos so here I am. There are loads of things going on that I want to...